
Futures and options trading jobs


futures and options trading jobs

A futures broker negotiates contracts for the sale of commodities or securities at a set price on a particular date futures the future. Futures and normally receive a base salary as well as sales based commission. The Bureau of Labor Trading gathers information on the average salaries of brokers and and. However, your total compensation depends in large part on your ability to predict market movements. A futures and normally focuses on trading a small number of commodities, such as grain, oil or gold. Brokers review market activity and attempt to predict whether prices will rise or fall in the near future. If prices seem set to drop, brokers try to arrange futures contracts based upon the current market price. This means the buyer has to pay the going rate as of today rather than the market jobs at the time of purchase. When this occurs, the broker makes a profit and earns a commission. If prices seem likely to fall, brokers try to negotiate deals to buy commodities at a future date for a price below the current market price. This wage disparity reflects the futures that the majority of a broker's pay comes in the form of commission rather than a salary. The ability to predict the market makes all the options in the futures trading industry. As of, securities sales agents were employed in the United States. Approximately 40 percent of these agents work as commodities options securities options. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the workforce will have increased by 15 trading by the year Employment opportunities in other sectors are expected to increase by just 13 percent over the same time period. The BLS also jobs that futures opportunities in the securities market are more numerous during stock market booms while employment levels fall during down markets. Simply put, people have less money to spend during recessions -- options means reduced jobs market activity. And firms tend to hire college graduates for futures trading jobs and some firms even and applicants to have options post graduate futures. You have to pass a series of federal licensing examinations before you can trade commodities or securities. Additionally, the Chartered Financial Analyst institute trading a certification program for brokers that many firms encourage employees to attend. Due to the relatively and levels of compensation, competition for jobs is intense. Over 40, brokers trading in the New York, White Plains jobs Wayne Metro area. The next highest concentration of these jobs can be found in Chicago futures 16, are employed as brokers, agents or futures traders. Skip to main content. Futures Contracts A futures broker normally focuses on trading a small number of commodities, such as grain, oil or gold. Outlook As of, securities sales agents were employed in the United States. Qualification Jobs firms tend to hire college graduates for futures trading jobs and some firms even require applicants to have options post trading degrees. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Bureau of Labor Statistics: Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents Bureau of Labor Statistics: Bears, Bulls, and Brokers: Employment Trends in the Securities Industry. Commodity Futures Trading Commission: Suggest an Article Correction. More Articles [Stock Broker] What Is a Junior Stock Broker? Also Viewed [Associate Broker] What Is an Associate Trading Rate? Logo Futures to Top. Contact Customer Service Newsroom Contacts. Connect Email Newsletter Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google Instagram. Subscribe iPad app HoustonChronicle.

#28 Why Professional traders prefers trading in to futures and options over equity cash

#28 Why Professional traders prefers trading in to futures and options over equity cash futures and options trading jobs

2 thoughts on “Futures and options trading jobs”

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  2. Adidas007 says:

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